Imagining Futures Collected Works
This multivolume collection reflects the diversity of work across the Imagining Futures network. Through these volumes, the voices, experiences, knowledge, and conversations are manifested in interconnected ways, participating in and activating the creation of egalitarian archives.

Imagining Futures through Un/Archived Pasts: The power of Archival Practices
This volume explores archival practices as negotiations of future visions, particularly in post-conflict and reconstruction contexts. It highlights interdisciplinary research and diverse case studies from international projects, emphasizing egalitarian archival practices that challenge traditional notions and engage with community-driven, innovative approaches.

Un/Archival Conversations and Practices
This volume draws from the Imagining Futures projects, encapsulating the cases, knots, themes, and challenges. It leverages the expertise and experiences of the IF Network, sharing valuable insights with all those involved or interested in building egalitarian archives.