Elizabeth Wright
Team Member, IF-PERS-0018

Working in the public realm, Elizabeth has been commissioned to make both temporary and permanently sited art projects. Collaborating with SPC.org, recent projects ‘Digital Marker’, shift the emphasis to developing community toolkits that enable interested groups to use offline hyperlocal wireless networks for hosting and registering their own histories.
Research into the pedagogy of sculpture and the copy interlinks both her studio and public works. Developing collective 3D experience through computing, her current project ‘StudioN’ is a virtual shared studio space and research project in art education commons working with the Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education Art sectors in the UK.~root~>
Research Partners
Central Saint Martins, UAL~root~> https://imaginingfutures.world/people/elizabeth-wright/
Central Saint Martins, UAL~root~> https://imaginingfutures.world/people/elizabeth-wright/