Paul Collis

Team Member, IF-PERS-0095

Paul Collis is a Barkindji man. He was born in Bourke, in far north/west New South Wales. His early life was informed by Barkindji and Kunya and Murawarri, and Wongamara and Nyempa story tellers and artists, who taught him Aboriginal Culture and Law. Paul earned his Doctorate at University Canberra in 2015, for a study of Barkindji identity with a specific focus on masculinity. His first novel, Dancing Home won the 2017 David Unaipon Award, and the 2019 ACT Book of the year Award.  Paul’s first poetry collection, Nightmares Run Like Mercury, was published by Recent Works Press in 2021. Paul works as Director, Indigenous Engagement, in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra.