Emilio Hernández Martínez
Team Member, IF-PERS-0128
Emilio Hernández Martínez is a creative researcher and a design thinker, working at the intersection of learning space design, social entrepreneurship and design activism. He has focused his practice on exploring the convergence of arts, technology and new narratives for peace building. Emilio leads Oaxaca’s Imagination Centre – a future thinking school for #artivists targeted at activating creative projects for social innovation and peace building, across different communities, through the practice of comunalidad. He has collaborated with Cocina Colaboratorio since 2020, mainly in Santo Domingo Tomaltepec, Oaxaca, where he has been in charge of the creative coordination of the project, mediating dialogues and gatherings between the community, local authorities, creatives, researchers and academics. His work has focused on structuring learning communities of farmers, cooks and young narrators, with whom he has explored change around the local food system. Emilio has been involved in different academic investigations that aim to find the root causes that have generated socio-ecological degradations in Santo Domingo, creating the spaces to bring local knowledge to the table, and co-design with the people of the community, creative strategies and prototypes to address these issues.~root~>
Research Partners
Cocina Colaboratorio and Centre of Imagination of Oaxaca~root~> https://imaginingfutures.world/people/emilio-hernandez-martinez/
Cocina Colaboratorio and Centre of Imagination of Oaxaca~root~> https://imaginingfutures.world/people/emilio-hernandez-martinez/