Elena Isayev
Team Member, IF-PERS-0159
Elena [IF principal investigator] is a historian and archaeologist focusing on migration, hospitality, and displacement, which she has written about for the Red Cross, and in her monograph Migration Mobility and Place in Ancient Italy (Cambridge 2017), as well as in editing Displacement and the Humanities, with Evan Jewell.
She has worked with colleagues in Palestine, of Campus in Camps and Decolonising Architecture, to understand and move beyond the cracks in the nation-state regime, exposing the role of culture and heritage. She is a member of UNDRR/ICCROM expert panel on the role of traditional knowledge systems in disaster risk reduction.
Currently leading the team of Imagining Futures through Un/Archived Pasts (an AHRC, GCRF Network+), she is also Professor of Ancient History and Place at the University of Exeter, UK.~root~>