Anthonia Bertholomeo Mnkama
Team Member, IF-PERS-0002

Anthonia Bertholomeo Mnkama is a Master’s degree student on Tourism Management in the department of Tourism sciences, university of BISU (Beijing International Studies University) in China specializing on cultural tourism promotion and a holder of a bachelor degree on Tourism and Cultural heritage from the University of Dodoma under the history department in Tanzania. She is experienced in writing projects and a perfect researcher under the heritage, archeology, tourism and museum filed.
Being a tourism and cultural heritage student at the University of Dodoma Anthonia accomplished different activities which are tourism and heritage related including being the Founder and coordinator of Cultural Festival which was first known as the Humanity Cultural Festival but currently known as UDOM Cultural Festival Founder of Tourism Tremendous Team a group of ten people dealing with cultural heritage awareness, environmental protection and tourism education to students at primary schools, secondary schools, and universities and Prepared the Gogo tribe Small Museum exhibition that aimed at celebrating the Gogo culture at the University of Dodoma in 2016
Working with the National Museum of Tanzania Anthonia was exposed to a more concentrated area of expertise including tourism, heritage, archeology and museum. Tutoring at the National College of Tourism (NCT) Teaching tourism and travel subjects prepared her to reach a wider range of professionalism on travel and tourism subjects as well as other cross cutting subjects.
Tourism Management, heritage management, conservation, heritage and tourism marketing, tour guiding, tourism event and exhibition management.
VETA Tanzania, research on curriculum preparation and teaching mode preparation.
IMAGINING FUTURES AS AN ARCHIVE UNDER THREAT, research on traditional story telling as an archive under threat.
BEIJING INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY, research on the contribution of web marketing on the promotion of cultural tourism products by the cultural tourism enterprises~root~>