Nicolas Joseph Kavishe

Team Member, IF-PERS-0052

Mr. Nicholas Joseph Kavishe is a Tourism & Wildlife Expert and Safari Guide living in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. As an enthusiastic in Cultural Heritage tourism, in the year 2019 he established and currently is the Program Coordinator for Rombo Cultural Tourism Enterprise (ROCTE), a community based tourism initiative seeking to integrate Chagga people’s culture and their daily life activities into a tour package. The project offers authentic and eco-cultural tours such as daily village walks to see different cultural and natural attractions and interaction with locals in his home village on the eastern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. He uses traditional songs and dances to entertain visitors. Mr. Nicholas has travelled many places in Africa and other countries like France, Spain, Japan, Belgium, the Netherland and United Arab Emirates. Travelling, hiking, safari guiding, farming, reading and family fills the rest of his life. His project is aimed at digital archiving of available Chagga Traditional Songs in Hai, Moshi Rural and Rombo districts of Kilimanjaro region