Saili Kaustubh Palande-Datar

Team Member, IF-PERS-0063

Saili has a degree in Electronic Engineering after which she pursued postgraduate studies in Indology, and Environment Conservation & Natural Resource Management. Following her interests, she has training in history, Art, Archaeology & bio sciences through various short courses. She is interested in applying interdisciplinary approach to real life issues concerning environment and culture. Till date, she has worked on nine Research projects in collaboration with various organisations and has experience of 17 years. She has presented 33 Research papers in national and international conferences on history, art, archaeology, Cultural studies and Environment. She is founder Director of Heritage Insights, and trustee at Samvidya Institute of Cultural Studies. She serves as Vice President, Malabar nature Conservation Club and member at Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group working on Biodiversity Conservation and Policy issues.