Dennis Momanyi Mogeni

Team Member, IF-PERS-0086

Dennis Momanyi works with Jesuit Worldwide Learning Kenya as the Country Representative. His roles and responsibilities include; ensuring higher education activities are well planned, executed, and implemented according to JWL mission and vision, ensure organization resources are well utilized in order to achieve the set educational objectives to intended beneficiaries, facilitating mentorship program for students organized groups and he also participates in meetings with community leaders and other humanitarian organization. Dennis is a graduate of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education Arts, Master’s Degree in Education in Emergency and currently working pursing Doctor of Education with the University of Nairobi. He possesses vast teaching experience of more than 10 years at different levels in Primary, secondary schools and Teacher Training College. Previously he served as a Teacher Trainer and Post-Secondary Coordinator with Jesuit Refugee Service and Jesuit Worldwide Learning. As a teacher trainer he trained more than 1500 teachers, participated in the development of teacher training curriculum and training resources. Dennis believes that education is a human right that should be accessible, acceptable, available, affordable, and appropriate to all without discrimination.