Media information
Format: video
Extent: 5.22 MB
Media format: MPEG-4
Media dimensions: 1920p x 1088p

Food making

Archiving the cultural performances/dances and food culture in Kakuma Camp
Film & Media
Lotuko Culture
Address info is only for testing
May 2013
rights holder: Aman Garang Wel
creator: Aman Garang Wel

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Kenya country
Turkana county
Kakuma Camp address


May 16 2024 by Orhun Ugur
Aman Garang Wel (2024). "Food making." IF-RES-0071.1.0002. Archiving the cultural performances/dances and food culture in Kakuma Camp. Imagining Futures. Accessed September 19, 2024.