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Epidemic prevention products

Sản phẩm phòng dịch

Archiving COVID-19 Heritage in Ho Chi Minh City
"This is the photo I saw on the first day I returned to school after nearly a year of online learning at home. This photo vividly and colorfully illustrates the 5K Covid prevention rules, making it more eye-catching than other notice boards. This photo is placed at the entrance of the school for everyone to easily see. Along with the photo of the girl, there is a machine for students to scan a QR code (linked to an application, it is PC-COVID), and measure everyone's body temperature before entering the school."
Sản phẩm phòng dịch được treo giá cho việc buôn bán.

Quảng Cáo
Thông Báo
Dụng Cụ Y Tế
Nơi Công Cộng
rights holder: Rachel Anne Tough

In Copyright

Viet Nam country
Ho Chi Minh City city


May 16 2024 by Orhun Ugur
"Epidemic prevention products." (2024). IF-RES-00180057. Archiving COVID-19 Heritage in Ho Chi Minh City. Imagining Futures. Accessed December 21, 2024.