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A poster on the street announcing 5k outside the British Consulate.

Advertising board for various masks outside a house. During the epidemic, people still try to do business in one way or another.

Request to disinfect with a solution before entering Texas Chicken store.

The 5K message is printed large in front of public spaces.

5K Message at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

A signboard in front of the road to the parking lot stating "enter and exit the parking lot wearing a mask". This sign was made and put up by the parking lot manager.

Neighborhood bulletin board with various information such as how to properly prepare food and how to prevent the epidemic.

Kid-friendly poster set up in front of the elevator.

The signboard is hung in front of the yard, saved for other occasions.

Constructed in the year 2013, it would be slightly hard to tell the functionality of this structure by a mere look. However, a close look at the far end of the top right corner of the roof you notice a loudspeaker, an obvious sight of a Mosque in Kakuma which is used to call the muslim for prayers. The construction of this mosque was funded by the Turkish government for the minority group of Congolese and Burundian Muslims in Kakuma Camp. The walls, clearly cracked due to splash of rain water, are made of mud bricks, a common building material in Kakuma because of its easy availabilty. The beautiful white and green colors painted on the walls are said to be of a significance to the Muslim faith with the white color refecting the hot sun rays and the green symbolizing unity in islamic faith.

A poster congratulating everyone on overcoming the pandemic. This poster features two people in protective gear with masks, symbolizing the community coming together to overcome the pandemic.

Many stores closed, premises left vacant.

Electronic advertisement opposite a famous shopping center. The advertisement now announces that one should protect themselves, their family, and society.

An empty office during the epidemic.

Three-wheeled vehicle with the message "everyone fights the epidemic" on one side. The owner of the vehicle wrote this message themselves.

In the center, there's a view of Ankara with a man. Thoughts emerging from the man form the words 'Ankara Ayazi Ruhumu Kesiyor' (Ankara’s Cold Pierces My Soul) in the clouds. On the left, there are address signs, and on the right, a woman is depicted looking out of the window.

In the center, there's a view of Ankara with a man. Thoughts emerging from the man form the words 'Ankara Ayazi Ruhumu Kesiyor' (Ankara’s Cold Pierces My Soul) in the clouds. On the left, there are address signs, and on the right, a woman is depicted looking out of the window.

Depiction of an elephant, it is written "Anti Christ Elephant"

Depiction of an elephant, it is written "Anti Christ Elephant"

Promoting the 5K message at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Green epidemic prevention banner in front of the dormitory at the defense education center in Thu Duc.

The security concerns between Camp 1&2 have been catastrophic for a long period. The distance between the two camps is inhabitable mostly covered by a thick thorny forest. As a result, this building, nestled within the barren expanse of Kakuma Camp is a testament to the humanitarian efforts of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The LWF's initiative, dating back to 2005, has been essential in safeguarding not only the lives of the residents but also the security of vehicles and motorcycles navigating through the camp, thereby contributing significantly to the safety and security of the residents of Kakuma for a decade. Constructed from durable concrete bricks, the building stands as a testament to meticulous planning and engineering prowess. The choice of materials reflects a strategic response to the challenging climatic conditions prevalent in the region, including relentless winds and heavy rainfall. However, today no one understands why the roof of the building was taken off with no security activities for the last couple of years. Could it be that the security concern has capsized or the project ended?

Advertisement for buy one get one free masks.

Barriers at Ben Thanh market used to prohibit people from entering Ben Thanh market during the epidemic.

Barrier in front of a closed store with a display stating the house is for sale.

Signboard with the title: "Green Zone Security Checkpoint" (area without an outbreak) and a request not to allow strangers or delivery personnel to enter.

The most effective Covid-19 prevention vaccine is the one administered earliest.

The front gate of the Binh Chanh District field hospital.

During the epidemic, I felt very stifled due to the lack of sunlight, as my house is in an alley and blocked by other houses covering the windows. One day, while going to the supermarket, I passed by a plant store and saw some cactus plants named 'birthday cakes,' and I felt a sense of empathy with them for lacking biological sunlight. So, on my birthday, I bought 3 plants and planted them in an old motorcycle seat, something I didn't want to sell and was currently stored at an outside parking lot. Then, every noon, I would walk out of the quarantine area's fence to the parking lot directly opposite, about 200 meters from my house, to bring out the motorcycle and the cacti to sunbathe, and then bring them back under the shelter in the late afternoon. This gave me an excuse and self-hypnosis to create a responsibility for myself to go outside for sunbathing. It was also quite easy since my house is located in two interconnected alleys, only one of which is guarded, and the one I use has no security. This continued until the quarantine fence was removed, and it also made me feel a bit more relaxed and less stifled.

The green zone is an area with no risk of Covid-19 infection. The banner announces that strangers or non-residents are not allowed in the neighborhood and goods must be disinfected before entering.

There are vehicles like this: Full of books and items, tech accounts that make life in the Quarantine area less stressful and boring.

Check in vaccine, body temperature, and disinfection.

Hand washing and temperature checking at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Painting depicting the community around kindergarten children working together to prevent covid.

modelviewer file

Electronic advertisement with the title "Do not gather in large groups to avoid the risk of infection". This advertisement is on Nguyen Hue street, a tourist road.
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