69 project Results


Olin Moctezuma Burns | Daniela Marian Mussali Meza | Cristian Miguel Torres Gutiérrez |

Central and South America

Synopsis and Position

Our project integrated archiving into the everyday life of Sotuta, a Maya community in Yucatan, Mexico. Over a year, fo...


George Juma Ondeng | Timonson Jairus Agiver Bwanah |


Synopsis and Position

The National Museums of Kenya is a government agency established under an Act of Parliament, the National Museums and He...


Thomas John Biginagwa | Ms. Sinyati Robinson Mark | Mr. Richard T. Chale |

Synopsis and Position

Traditional African medicine (TAM) was an advanced sector in the continent during the pre-colonial era. During colonial...


Marco Magassila |


Catalina Ortiz | Natalia Villamizar Duarte | Luz Mila Hernández | Ana Maria Restrepo Aguilar |

Central and South America


Raktim Ray | Mukul Patel | Srilata Sircar | Manu Luksch | Ufaque Paiker |

Asia Pacific

Synopsis and Position

The project curated artefacts from two contemporary protests in India namely,ShaheenBagh sit-in peaceful protest started...


Howayda Al-Harithy | Leyla El-Sayyed Hussein | Ali Khodr | Mariam Bazzi | Wiaam Haddad | Batoul Yassine |

Europe and Middle East


Nicolas Joseph Kavishe |

Synopsis and Position

This project aims to archive Chagga Traditional Songs as a form African traditional knowledge. Chagga people have been u...


Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez | Charlotte Roueche |

Europe and Middle East

Synopsis and Position

This Project is recorded in the BIAA Digital Repository System: Connecting Archives, Connecting People Project...


Horst Kleinschmidt |


Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez | Prof. Dr. Necmi Aksoy |

Synopsis and Position

The BIAA research centre for Anatolia and the Black Sea Region, incorporates a herbari...


Rudolf Mremi | John Elia Ntandu |


Synopsis and Position

Despite the wealth of Mweka Herbarium (hosted at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka) in terms of botanica...


Rachel Anne Tough | Quang Nguyễn | Diana Lê |

Asia Pacific

Synopsis and Position

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted almost every facet of our world, prompting a variety of material responses in societ...


Gabriela Ramos |

Central and South America

Synopsis and Position

This project aims at organising a digital archive of historical documents of rural communities in the Sondondo valley, i...


Brother Romanus |


Rebecca Ohene-Asah | George Bosompim |


Synopsis and Position

Pioneer video filmmakers in Ghana have their cultural products on analogue formats such as VHS, SUPER-VHS and BETACAM. T...


Festo W. Gabriel |

Synopsis and Position

Tanzanian professional historians and heritage experts have taken an active position in explaining the wealth and import...


Julie Morin | Amy Donovan | Nélida Manrique | Yrma Linares |

Central and South America

Synopsis and Position

Arequipa (Peru) is a highly vulnerable city in the face of volcanic hazards, exposed to potential devastating explosive ...


Hilary Morgan V. Leathem | Pedro Guillermo Ramón Celis | Marco Antonio Méndez Juárez |

Central and South America

Synopsis and Position

Este Lugar Tiene Muchas Historias / Lajtre Yuduxh Rextiixniis a decolonial repatriation and public art and history proje...


Xaver Kazimoto Komba | Mr. Emmanuel Xavery Zullu Gama, Chief of Wangoni | Rose Mbijima | Eginald Pius Mihanjo | Frt. Esperanzo Mwilongo |



Aqeel Abdulla |

Synopsis and Position

This is a pilot project for a much bigger one on the everyday micro-cultures of Syria, and the importance of studying an...


Tawny Paul |

Synopsis and Position

In Search of LAis a digital hub for documenting histories and telling stories about Los Angeles neighborhoods, past and...


Kareem Ali Dhiaa |

Synopsis and Position

Recent political events in Iraq, including protests, have seen artists and activists engage in artwork produced to repr...



Saili Kaustubh Palande-Datar | Neha Rane |

Asia Pacific

Synopsis and Position

Rocky plateaus (Sada) in the Konkan region are specialized unique habitats exhibiting high level of endemic biodiversity...


Gerawork Teferra Gizaw | Mohamed Abdullahi | Barbara Moser-Mercer |


Synopsis and Position

Refugee camps are imagined as ephemeral spaces, yet they often endure for decades. This project aims to archive a versio...


Daniela Sclavo Castillo | Mariana Martínez Balvanera | Adriana Cadena Roa | Elizabeth Guerrero Molina | Emilio Hernández Martínez | Patricia Balvanera |

Central and South America

Synopsis and Position

Cocina CoLaboratorio (CoLaboratory Kitchen) is a transdisciplinary project that gathers creatives, farmer communities, s...


Hawa Mkwela |

Synopsis and Position

The study will add mental mapping which has not been widely used in the archaeological studies and more specifically in ...


Noel Biseko Lwoga |

Synopsis and Position

The study explores howmultivocalityperpetuates dissonance that shape cultural negotiations and people’s means of copin...


Valence Silayo |

Synopsis and Position

This workshop was conducted on 11th December 2020. It aims to consult a wide range of academic, archive stakeholders and...

Next 36